Viewing Pictures
Viewing pictures is an easy task to perform. Please follow the link below to open a photo gallery in a new pop-up window. If the internet browser you use, I.E., Internet Explorer, blocks pop-ups, please set it to unblock the window that opens on top of your existing page. There should be a dialog box that will give you the choice to unblock. It should prompt you to answer the question in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
When you are done viewing the pictures, just close the pop-up window by clicking on the X in the upper right-hand corner. You can then view the previous page you were viewing.
Picture Gallery Instructions
The picture gallery utilizes Adobe Flash to present the pictures in an easy to use format. There will be navigation buttons to page through the photos, as well as methods to download (save), email, or print the pictures you are viewing.
If you want to view individual pictures, just click on them individually. But, if you want to watch them in a photo array or slideshow, click on one picture, and use the options presented to start the presentation. You can adjust the time from 1 to 5 seconds to delay the pictures for viewing the slideshow.
If you can't see the navigation at the bottom of the picture frame, please download the Adobe Flash player from this link. You don't have to check the box for the Google Toolbar unless you want that service added to your internet browser. But, please uncheck the box though, if you do not want to download the Google Toolbar.